Meta-analyses results


Comparison of brain samples: Parkinson’s disease vs controls.

Meta-analysis region Total genes evaluated Total significative genes Significative genes upregulated Significative genes downregulated
Substantia nigra 19732 1341 559 782
Striatum 16702 223 64 159

Of note, upregulated genes are those with a positive logFC value (logFC > 0); meaning that they are more expressed in the Parkinson’s disease condition. Downregulated genes are those with negative logFC value (logFC < 0); meaning that they are more expressed in the control condition.

Results at gene level

The heterogeneity indicators of the meta-analysis QE, QEp, SE, tau2, I2, H2 can be displayed by clicking on the button Column visibility.

Number of studies: number of studies where the gene is evaluated.

The heterogeneity indicators of the meta-analysis QE, QEp, SE, tau2, I2, H2 can be displayed by clicking on the button Column visibility.

Number of studies: number of studies where the gene is evaluated.

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