Exploratory analysis
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CT: cortex
Differential gene expression analysis
Comparisons of cortex brain samples:
IDF: impact of Alzheimer’s disease in females (case female - control female).
IDM: impact of Alzheimer’s disease in males (case male - control male).
SDID: sex-based differential impact on Alzheimer’s disease [(case female - control female) - (case male - control male)].
Study ID | Comparison | Total genes evaluated | Significative genes | Significative genes upregulated | Significative genes downregulated |
GSE37263 | IDF | 17324 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
GSE37263 | IDM | 17324 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
GSE37263 | SDID | 17324 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Of note, upregulated genes are those with a positive logFC value (logFC > 0); meaning that they are more expressed in the first condition of the comparison: for IDF and IDM, Alzheimer’s disease condition; for SDID Alzheimer’s disease females compared to males.
Downregulated genes are those with negative logFC value (logFC < 0); meaning that they are more expressed second condition of the comparison: for IDF and IDM, control condition; for SDID Alzheimer’s disease males compared to females.
Results at gene level