Create New Account

Creating a new account is not necessary to use the different tools and utilities proposed by Phylemon, but having an account allow users to store analysis ordered by project names, to relaunch them with different parameters. Each user benefit of 1 gigabytes space in our server.

This part of the tutorial will guide you for the creation of your new account.

  • Once you entered in the Phylemon page you can create a new account either by clicking on the link Create a new account, if it is the first time you visit Phylemon, either by clicking on the register link on the top left part of the page.
  • In the registration form you will be asked to enter your email address a password. Nothing forbids you to use a fake email address, we use email addresses to warn users if we encounter problem with their accounts (see Frequented Asked Questions and Tips).

  • You are now registered, but still not logged in. To start using your new account click on login on the top right of the page, and fill the login form.

  • At this step you should now be able to see your email address and information about your account, space available over 1.00 Gb given, some icons to access to your data and projects etc…

phylemon/start.txt · Last modified: 2011/03/31 00:40 by garamonfok
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