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NOISeq Tutorial

The NOISeq tutorial can be downloaded from Bioconductor website. Click here.

In NOISeq package, you can find not only the method to compute differential expression between two experimental conditions from RNA-seq data, but also other functions in order to learn more about saturation, contamination or other biases in your data as well as to explore the differential expression results.

NOISeqBIO Tutorial

Please, follow these instructions to run NOISeqBIO:

  1. Install NOISeq Bioconductor package (see Downloads).
  2. Download the zip file containing the R scripts for NOISeqBIO (from Downloads).
  3. Unzip this file.
  4. To load the NOISeqBIO functions from the R console, please type: source(“NOISeqBIO_v00/loadingFunctions.R”). Remember you have to change the path if you are in another working directory.
  5. Convert your data into a NOISeq object using the readData() function from NOISeq package (see NOISeq tutorial for more information). This step is the same as if you were to use NOISeq instead of NOISeqBIO.