===== Participation in projects =====
CIBER Rare Disease \\
//Institutions participating//: Ministerio de Sanidad.\\
//Duties//: Bioinformatics analysis and results communication.\\
//Main researcher//: Joaquín Dopazo.\\
Development of tools of new generation for gene expression data analysis and implementation in the improves GEPAS platform. Nodo INB. \\
//Institutions participating//: Genoma España .\\
//Duties//: Bioinformatics analysis and results communication.\\
//Main researcher//: Joaquín Dopazo.\\
Understanding the mechanisms of the disease and prioritizing candidate genes under a systems perspective. \\
//ID project//: BIO2011-27069.
//Institutions participating//: MICINN.\\
//Budget//: 272250 euros.\\
//Duties//: Bioinformatics analysis and results communication.\\
//Main researcher//: Joaquín Dopazo.\\
New strategies for molecular target discovery and design of new therapeutic approaches against cancer. \\
//ID project//: BIO2014/57291-R.
//Institutions participating//: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.\\
//Budget//: 302.500 euros.\\
//Duties//: Bioinformatics analysis and results communication.\\
//Main researcher//: Joaquín Dopazo.\\
[[http://www.proyectoinma.org/en_index.html| Childhood and Environment]] \\
INMA - Childhood and Environment is a research network of several Spanish groups that created a project with the aim to study the paper of the more relevant environmental pollutants in the air, water and diet during the pregnancy and beginning of life, and their effects in the growth and development.\\
//Financing Firm/administration//: Instituto de Salud Carlos III, ISCIII G03/176.\\
//Institutions participating//: [[http://www.eves.san.gva.es/portal/indexEng.jsp| Valencian School for Health Studies.]] Spain.\\
//Duties//: Epidemiological and statistical analysis and results communication.\\
//Main researcher//: Ferran Ballester.\\
{{ :phewe.pdf|PHEWE (Assessment and prevention of acute health effects of weather conditions in Europe).}} \\
//Financing Firm/administration//: European Union.\\
//Institutions participating//: [[http://www.eves.san.gva.es/portal/indexEng.jsp| Valencian School for Health Studies.]] Spain.\\
//Duties//: Epidemiological and statistical analysis and results communication.\\
//Main researchers//: Ferran Ballester, Carmen Iñiguez.\\
[[http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/air/links/research-projects/the-european-environment-and-health|ENHIS (ENnvironment and Health Information System).]]\\
//Financing Firm/administration//:European Union and World Health Organization.\\
//Institutions participating//: [[http://www.eves.san.gva.es/portal/indexEng.jsp| Valencian School for Health Studies.]] Spain.\\
//Duties//: Epidemiological and statistical analysis and results communication.\\
//Main researchers//: Ferran Ballester, Carmen Iñiguez.\\
[[http://www.apheis.org/|APHEIS (A European information system on air pollution and health).]]\\
//Financing Firm/administration//: European Union.\\
//Institutions participating//: [[http://www.eves.san.gva.es/portal/indexEng.jsp| Valencian School for Health Studies.]] Spain.\\
//Duties//: Epidemiological and statistical analysis and results communication.\\
//Main researchers//: Ferran Ballester, Carmen Iñiguez, Santiago Pérez-Hoyos.\\