Step 1. Select input: “Load examples” and two studies will be uploaded (GSE4588 & GSE10325). To start, we keep parameters by default, and submit!
Step 2. Assign samples to each group: the previous selection is ok for this first time. Click “Next”.
After few minutes we will have a detailed report to understand this approach.
Questions related to report
Summary / Datasets info. What do you think about the number of samples for each group? Are balanced?
Interstudy Quality Control.
Datasets Boxplots. What is the rank for expression values?
Missing values. Is there a big percentage of missing values for each study?
Differentially expressed genes summary. Are there big differences when comparing significant results for each study vs. combined studies at the same time?
Meta-analysis results. Could you explain the meaning of these indicators: fdr_pval, pval, zval?
Heatmaps. Explain a bit these graphical representations in the context of your analysis.
R code. We would like to repeat the process from the R code given by ImaGEO.