Table of Contents

Activity 1

The analysis of gene expression will allow us to know the different levels of expression between various groups of interest, for example between sick and healthy people. This information is very interesting because it helps us to better understand the molecular mechanisms of a disease, it will facilitate the detection of biomarkers, …..

We have prepared the following activity to familiarise ourselves with these common scenarios in gene expression analysis. We will use the Babelomics suite, which contains several web tools for omics data analysis.

A. Objective

We are interested in detecting therapeutic targets from the evaluation of various pharmacological treatments in patients with a given disease.

B. Experimental design

C. Work plan

We will carry out a bionformatics analysis that will allow us to cover the objective of the activity.

Exercise 1. We will do this first exercise together.

  1. We go to the ‘Expression / Arrays /Differential Expression’ menu.
  2. We run the online example and select two groups to compare: patients with placebo (code 1) and patients with treatment 3.
  3. Run the job. What do you think of the results?
  4. How many genes are differentially expressed between the two treatments?
  5. Download the file with the genes that are differentially expressed (significant).
  6. How do you interpret the heatmap that appears in the results?
  7. Which gene shows the greatest change in expression between treatments? Look for detailed information on its function at Ensembl:

Exercise 2. : We continue with the previous study. Now we would be interested to know if there are differentially expressed genes between placebo and treatment 5. Also between placebo and 7, and finally: placebo vs. treatment 9.

Some questions:

  1. How many genes are differentially expressed between the two treatments?
  2. Download the file with the differentially expressed (significant) genes.
  3. How do you interpret the heatmap that appears in the results?
  4. Which gene shows the greatest change in expression between treatments? Find detailed information about its function at Ensembl:

Exercise 3. Common and specific biomarkers.


Exercise 4: functional profiling