Table of Contents

What is WODA?
WODA (Web-based Omics Data Analysis) is a practical course to learn how to perform omics data analysis from webtools.
What is this course for?
Questions such as How can I find the causative mutation of the disease in this family? or What pathways are activated in my RNA-seq experiment? are becoming more frequent as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies are increasingly used in the laboratory. WODA has been designed to provide the researchers with the skills and tools to address these questions and many other ones related.
This course will cover the development of a whole bioinformatics analysis pipeline using web tools, so programming skills are not necessary to follow the course. If you want to learn how to perform a bioinformatics analysis in the simplest way.
By the end of the course, participants will have acquired skills to interpret NGS data and to use multiple software tools for omics studies.
Who is the target audience?
The course is open to every researcher, clinical or student which works with Omics data and wants to learn the basics of Bioinformatics analysis.
Why attending this course?
NGS technologies are greatly contributing to the development of omics studies. Nevertheless, it is a non-trivial task to transform the vast amount of data obtained with high-throughput sequencers into useful information. Thus, NGS data analysis is still a major bottleneck for most researchers in this field. The ability of correctly interpreting NGS results, as well as knowledge on the intrinsic properties of these data are essential to avoid incorrect experimental designs and the application of inappropriate analysis methodologies.
The aim of this course is to make researchers familiar with omics data and to initiate them in the analysis pipeline by providing them hands-on training on analytical methodologies.
Dates and venue
- Date: Wed, 16/10/2019 - Fri, 18/10/2019
- Place: Training Room, Centro de Investigación PrÃncipe Felipe, Valencia, Spain