Table of Contents

Functional evaluation of the effect of T3 hormone in a transcriptomic study

A. Objective

To functionally characterize by means of different enrichment strategies (overrepresentation and GSEA methods), the results obtained in the differential expression analysis of the experiment where we used RNA-Seq in mice, and in which we were interested in detecting differentially expressed genes between these 2 groups: wild type (WT) and treated with T3 hormone.

B. Data

After performing differential expression analysis between two experimental groups, the following results were obtained:

C. Work plan

Open the “top list” data file with a notepad or similar and inspect its contents. Inspect the other two files as well.

C.1. Functional description

C.2. Statistical analysis: Statistical overrepresentation test

Then reproduce the previous two points with the “Bottom list” file.

C.3. Statistical analysis: Statistical enrichment test

D. Working from R

D.1. ClusterProfiler: ORA & GSEA methods

D.2. mdgsa: GSEA method

We continue with the example “Functional evaluation of the effect of T3 hormone in transcriptomic study with RNA-Seq data”. In this case we will perform a functional characterization with a GSEA method using R.

In this zipped folder: you will find:

Run the R script: